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Sacred Healing London
Blessed Mother Father God. Help me to re-member my Truth, help me to remember that I am Love, from Love I have come and I have come here to this planet to Love. With you bearing witness I ask for forgiveness for all those times I have withheld love from myself and another. For every time I have lied, cheated, I have stolen, every time I have manipulated, used sex for gain, not honoured my body or the body of another, every time I have disregarded anothers feeling and dreams and my own. Every time I have broken a confidence, every time I have caused intentional and unintentional harm to myself or to another.
I ask for forgiveness for each time I have played small, each time I have belittled another, each time I have sought to compete with another. I ask for forgiveness for every action intentional or unintentional that has taken me further away from my Divinity, from You, from Love. Blessed One, help me to be the witness of Truth and Love in my life and the lives of Others. Help me to truly Love with no conditions, myself, others and You. May I remember that it is from the realms of Wonder I have chosen to come, that I have come to this planet at this time for a reason. Help me to remember that reason and to fulfill that very reason the best that I can.
May I remember to laugh more, dance more, love more, be more and in all things keep the flame of your Love, your Patience, your Beauty burning bright. May I have the discernment to know when to surrender and when to protect, when to reveal my soul and heart and when to wait. May I have your Divinity in all I do. For I Am but a piece of you come to serve at this time. Ameyn ?
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