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Feng Shui - The Traditional Oriental Way to Enhance Your Life by Stephen Skinner.
I liked this well illustrated full colour book which explains simply and clearly, what this ancient (from 3000BC) Chinese philosophy of geomancy offers to the modern person. It is based on harmonising your environment with personal health and wellbeing. Included in the book are all important aspects of Feng Shui - Chi, directions, celestial animals, invisible landscape energies, currents and polarities, yin & yang, elements, trigrams, personal magic numbers, your home and garden. The author, Stephen Skinner (PhD in Classics) is an Australian expert in the field of Feng Shui energies and has a Singapore consultancy, and has written extensively about Feng Shui, shamanism, magic, sacred geometry and alchemy.
Recommended as an ideal gift, a beginners classic or coffee table book!
Review by Wendy Stokes. Visit: www.wendystokes.
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