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In this moments outcome: Step one:

By:Barbara Neville
Date: Mon,17 Jul 2023
Submitter:barbara Neville

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In this moments outcome: Step one:
For there is more to come as we shift into the next period of the timeline of ascension:

I have gentle shifted into the new way of thinking… i.e., holding the idea of the universe within and being and remaining still at the centre, there is a definite shift in the way I am feeling and living life.

I still do not fully understand what it exactly means in the physical body because there are no changes in what is being done, everything is just the same with the world news etc, the change is in how it is affecting my own thoughts, feelings, towards them.
I am very calm, and soft in the face of any kind of concern that crops up, it’s like I am sitting in a pool of soft calm energy that is emanating out from within and holding the space in an unruffled state of being.

The little hooks that were holding me into the third-dimensional illusions have been released now and I am free to wander through life and just ‘be’ in it instead off’ it, this is what all my teachers used to tell me, this is the state of being that we are all working towards.

I wonder if any of them had reached this way of being’ in the truth of their life, I think one of them had.
It is a feeling of not letting any of the traps of the illusion into my inner self, just identifying them as they bump into my energy fields of light and passing them by.

This has happened since I incorporated the silver and gold elements into the inner mix of the universe within and kept thinking about it until it was inserted within me as a wonderful feeling.

It’s as if I am in the arms of a much bigger unit that is supporting my every move, thought and feelings I have completely surrendered to it as myself and it is very comfortable and easy.

I am not sure if it will continue because as these changes have happened in the past after a while they become engulfed back into the negative side of this life, this could be the way things progress.

I am being given little glimpse of the way forwards so that I can know what I am working towards, whatever it is… it is a lovely feeling of delight, but there is still a long way to go.

As a single person I am still being stimulated with the thoughts that by changing myself everything will change… and it is altering the collective consciousness of all things, because conscious awareness is all there is, we will have to wait to see how that is going to work out.

The thing is’ the knowing that what we are all doing is modifying all things by our own progress, and holding the idea of the universe within is one of these life changing thoughts that be-comes real inside of our brains hard wiring and adjusts every part of our sense of living a fulfilling life.

The clarity of the way others is chasing their tails trying to do things that they believe is the only way to live, not giving themself to moment to redress their own thoughts and feelings about what they’ are thinking.

The way I see it is, the most important thing is to bring our children up to be inspired by their own thoughts and giving them a balanced view of life as they begin their journey into the future, it does work; it may not be what the parent thinks they’ want for their off-spring, given the open choices, a child will be able to find their own path that they are best suited for.

What I have realised is that I can be in the moment with everything going on around me… I do not need silence, in fact in the moment of living with all the hubbub is very satisfying I can get the most out of everything all the time and expand the light focus even further that when restricted to being in the silence of a meditational state, I can just be in it all the time yeah!!! I am living in the moment Yeah!!!!

Ascension in progress:
As I have adapted to the inner self of the universe the outside world revels itself as being of little importance to me as a guidance in the life path, I begin to think within and of the importance of my loved ones and others who are with me on earth and how I can support them in a much more solid grounded manner.

Support them with the heart/brain coherence of love for humanity instead of being driven along by the media and social factions that only wish to control the way everyone spends their money and live life by flooding the TV and other media establishments with advertising that gives a feeling of feel lacking.

This is by design so that the controllers can gain wealth and power, your’ power that lays within every person on this planet… you… all of you.

As the inner self grows into its authentic self you find that you can live within these worldly controls and be as free as you wish by applying a few very simple activities, this does not mean sitting for hours in a meditation or being part of any kind of quasi-NGO.

Think about being within yourself as a single human being, with the… Infinite, Living, Organic, Conscious, Intelligence, the divine God within as the universe within, focus on it and it will lift you up out of the quagmire of the third-dimensional world and keep you just outside of it so that is does not swamp your mind.

Turn off the TV, ignore the news, do not watch reality shows or deeply depressing film or series, fine another way to pass your time, being outside and being close to nature is a good one as you begin to feel that you are being pulled to the media… stop in your track and go out into nature and think about being in that’ moment only.

Bring your thoughts back into the moment every time until it becomes the only thing you “WANT” to do; its not easy to begin with but gets very easy as time goes on and you alter your brains hard wiring and ways of thinking.

It slowly removes you from the negatives of life and shows you the very positive lightness of the glory of the GOD within as the universe brought onto earth through you.

Opening to this removes the fears of death because you know that nothing dies, the biological body runs out of physical life, the essence of every one goes back to source as light and experience.

As this occurs the powers that be’ cannot hold you with fear and this removes their control, and you are free to live the life you are meant for, a life in the light of love for all living things.
If you can relate to any of this info you are moving into your own path of bringing heaven to earth through your divine heart/brain coherence.
Be love. Be light. Be happy. X

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