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We have so many self-concepts. From our childhood to the end of our lives we have various roles and self-concepts. So my question to Spirit was: How do we overcome our self-concepts and see ourselves just as aspects of Divine Mind? I received the following:
“You need to remember that all your self-concepts are fabrications of the ego mind. Everything, all the roles you undertake are functions that individuals believe are them, or are large parts of them. It is total identification with the ego mind that makes people cling onto self-concepts, concepts such as being a school child, a university student, career person, mother, father, retired person, sports person, home owner, car owner, beautiful person, fat person, thin person, those sorts of things…These are all self-concepts and they are all part of your drama in the world. They are not who you are.
It is perfectly possible to fulfill all these roles as you go through life, which you probably have to do unless you take yourself off to a cave in mountain somewhere and live like a hermit (and even that would be a self-concept) but it is perfectly possible to live with your self-concepts and not attach yourself to them. So that when your roles in life change, as they invariably will, you can still fulfill all these roles and yet not be identified with them. Think of them as an actor would think of his roles when he is on stage. Think: “I am now acting as a student for a while. Then I will be a career person for a while. Then I will be a parent for a while and then maybe a grandparent.” But don’t think that these roles are you. Think of them just as garments that you are putting on and taking off. And try not to feel nostalgic or regretful, when you take off one garment and put on another.
Of course, it all boils down to forgiveness because forgiveness, as it is taught in A Course in Miracles, really means letting go. So you let go of these concepts, as you move on through your life...See them as just a role you are playing temporarily, so that when you reach the end of your life and you have no more roles you are not really sad or fearful because you have let go of so many other attachments you have had.”
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