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Music in the sunshine
The word Universe come from the word Uni meaning one and Verse meaning song! Meta works with harp and voice to improvise a gentle and strong healing which can free energy blocks and resolve or integrate dissonance at many levels.
Everything is the Universe is resonating and vibrating. Those vibrations are listened to by sound healers. Reflecting back the energy of the vibration creates a healing resonance which strengthens and aligns. When working with people, the healing flows directly from the pitch of voices, the rhythms of movements and even in the sounds of breath!
The only person who can heal you is you- the only person who can heal me is me!! Truly the work should be call self healing with sound vibrational energy.
Sound healing creates a powerful and sacred channel through which y

Harp in a brewery
ou can direct your own personal healing intention. The first vibrations available to be in the healing will be linked to the life drive. Connecting with these is the first step in sound healing. You may then guide the process to identify the vibrations connected with the area of your body mind or spirit you wish to heal. These will be the painful or blocked resonances. Finally you are invited direct your intention to experience the healed state. Here you will imagine or live into what the freedom from the pain is like. Again this vibration will be manifested through healing improvised harp music.
You are invited to record the sessions and to replay them to re work the healing any time you need or wish to.
To find out more contact Meta on: 07768553058
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