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The Angels say exciting times are ahead for 2011. But these might be difficult to enjoy to the general feeling of uncertainly that is around so many at the moment. I am hoping this will give some of you comfort, at least you can understand it is not just you who is having a wobbly patch or loss of direction and drive, but many others too!
At the moment making decisions can be difficult for many. Not just simple things such as tea or coffee or more important decisions like whether to move house or not, relationships, employment....all laced with uncertainty of what to do for the best. Many people are making life changing decision, re-evaluating what they want from their lives, making decisions they never thought they would.
We should not be surprised after all we are fast approaching 2012, ascension. We are all becoming lighter in vibration, spirituality is becoming more widely accepted. This is liberating as we are able to be accepted for what we believe in. Many are felt that they never fitted in with family, friends or peers, now they can breath a sigh of relief that they are more accepted by others which has a knock on effect of being more self accepting.
The Angels are on overdrive, light-workers are popping up everywhere, everyone is changing though sadly not everyone is recognising it. But for the majority it is truly an exciting time.
Due to the word spreading Angels are being taken out of redundancy and people are learning that Angels are there to help them with everyday life and also making these life changing decisions. More and more people are coming for Angel Readings rather than psychic as the Angels give them advice on how to move forward positively.
The Angels are delighted to help, it gives them real joy, after all it is what they are here for, but until asked all they have been able to do with watch as your life unfolds. Now, with the help of Angels people can turn their lives around with love, support and guidance from their Angels.
Most have been at that low point when we don't think things can get any worse and then they do! But this desperate state is a place when many turn to Angels but it is not the only time to turn to these Heavenly Beings. I personally communicate with my Angels all day long. They are the first thing I talk to in the morning, thanking them for keeping us all safe and giving me a good nights sleep. Then my requests start for the day, again always thanked as I know they will deliver. My conversation and requests continue right throughout the day with my Angel Buddies. Right up to the last conversation late at night, thanking them for their help throughout the day and asking for a good nights sleep and keeping us all safe.
What am I asking for, you many well ask? Not lottery wins or extravagance by no means. But just everyday things, like finding the words with a difficult conversation, parking spaces, my day to go as planned and that I have enough time to do everything I need to. I have used them in the past for guidance on where to live, to find lost items or even technical problems with my computer.
I always say start with the little things and try asking for a parking space. Well, you have nothing to lose and they are waiting for you to ask them then they can help you. So what you waiting for?
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