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We likely know about the shifts and changes that begin to happen as we open up or awaken to ourselves and the cosmos, or at least we notice things can’t remain the same. We may understand that as we develop and learn about who we really are, outside of self-restricting beliefs created in childhood or patterns acquired from our parents and largely society’s control. You may feel an unravelling and a flowering of a “new you”. A” you” that isn’t so subject to censor, control or limitation. Whilst raising this “new you”, you may find intolerance for adapting to the “norm” or negotiating family and work expectations. You may find a voice that speaks from the heart and becomes less afraid of revealing emotions and experiencing the natural ebb and flow of life. The re-birth you are now realising that is occurring in and around you, may feel less than pleasant at times and on other occasions you give thanks from the bottom of your heart for this opportunity of more freedom and ability to feel connected to a world you once lived in without really knowing you were living.
Through the up’s and downs you may meet face to face with the dark master of the night, staring back at every fear you had once felt and thought you had conquered or hidden by pushing and stuffing all of the blackness deep down. The challenge of the dark master; your shadow self, has always been waiting for you to visit again and reclaim your forgotten material. For on the road to your re-birth, nothing is hidden and everything needs healing. The meeting with the dark face of your shadow can be so painful and take us so downward that we may linger there for sometime, not knowing if we can ever find a route to journey up to something different which we can’t yet feel even exists outside of our dark prison. In your worst nightmares you may wish to leave the life you have invested in, you may yearn for a way out and perhaps you don’t yet have the knowledge, the key is within you.
On the long road, we may have taken sometime fishing around at the bottom, all in a bid to find out we are the only power in our lives, we are the only rescue mission that will come, or at least one that will really succeed! You may have encountered the foresight that reminds you that being afraid of your emotions and feelings is scarier than actually feeling them. As we continue to run from feeling so the feeling we are trying to avoid is always ahead of us. When we stop, drop and let go we move again into the flow of being at whatever feeling resides. Now we can find the achievement in moving through the feelings rather than rising above or out of feeling.
You have found your rock bottom, lived through it, learned about isolation, human fallibility and somehow know that serving others and working for the good of all is at the heart of life. You find that as you continue to connect with the consciousness of your spirit your control slips as you are learning how to be guided rather than butting in and trying to take charge of life all the time. You sit in the carriage now and know that you and the horses are impeccably joined. Although you hold the rains, the horses are the energy pulling the carriage, you choose the route but should the horse see danger up ahead and quickly opt for another route you are no longer in control. Like your connection with Great Spirit, you and the horses are a co-creatorship in the journey and as such learn to work together, sometimes you will be reminded of the unpredictable nature of the animal and you will make room to adjust to this, just as the energy and spirit of the horses appreciate your position of being in charge, most of the time! At any time the wild beast, however can remind you of your vulnerability.
Many relationships will change and leave you; many foods will sadly leave your menu too! You rise in vibration and the work on your light body or Mer-ka-ba is moving you. You have a greater sense of what serves you and what it is that does not. Dense energy attracts more dense energy, light energy attracts more light energies, you move up in your frequency like a tuning fork connecting with higher vibrations in the cosmos. When we refuse to move or bring in the changes needed to continue rising we begin to feel stuck. You are the only thing that stops you from moving higher! The light body is simple to build, but not necessarily simple to maintain. Your light body is your body, including all your subtle fields and everything that is you, from essence all the way through to your physical vessel. Light bodies require, light filled food, light environments, light filled people to share your life with, light heartedness and the lightness that love and laughter bring. You light-body begins to manifest lightening speed thought, brain power and intelligence, lighter and loftier ways of seeing the world in bigger pictures, a light and glow in your physical appearance, a light-connection to the inner child and innocent nature of spirit, a lightness and simplicity to following the guidance and direction of your heart and feelings, a lighter way in talking to others and speaking your truth and the light of telepathy and seeing through others so there is nothing hidden from each other.
All of this you may have experienced to one degree or another, you may notice how as we move together with others like this we can extend the light outward and build light communities but how do we function in a planet with also growing and increasing density and darkness without restricting the learning of lessons and becoming “light elitist”?
Your sensitivity is growing and you know the tool kit of protection techniques but are they still working as you rise even higher, do the tools need to become stronger or do we limit our lives to mixing only with people’s vibration’s that we can handle? It is easy to choose to cut off from all that has a denser edge or those who are at different levels of working though their awakening, but it is equally easy to become light filled and via negotiating daily life, become consumed and pulled again into the lower vibrations from either moving out of the flow, forgetting balance, being around loved ones in need or venturing to low frequency areas on the globe. Surely we need these lessons and we must learn to negotiate our growing sensitivity, but how more sensitive can some of us possibly get??
Latest meanderings suggest the answer is far more linked to using our integrity than we had ever imagined. Protection tools and avoidance of people, places and shutting yourself off in a bubble is not a long term solution, yet consulting the heart and being in charge of our unfloundering ability to make all our decisions from this guidance is the key!
In order to do this, you will be prepared to move past the old personas of yourself, your roles, your duties, responsibilities, patterns and instead in each moment of the NOW you move with your heart. If you are having a conversation with someone and you are starting to feel your energy drop, you may hear a voice or feel a growing unease, you are being told to move out of this situation. If your mind wishes for a certain food but your body responds adversely to this, ask in your heart, is this food serving me? You will hear a response. If you visit areas, places or people and it feels wrong and of detriment to your light body and energy levels, don’t go, cancel or leave. If you are at a social commitment and you start to feel tired or irritated, leave or consult your heart when you first make an arrangement! Many lightworker non-drinkers often feel adverse energy effects when trying to fit in with drinkers, or feel awkward not involving themselves in a gossiping or bad mouthing tribal past time that they have grown out of but others around them still engage in, don’t feel anything is your duty, you are now remembering you make your choices based on what feels right! Sometimes you may want a big, greasy potion of chips to help you feel grounded, well go ahead! The art is non attachment to any one way of being, there is no right or wrong way on your path, there is only a step by step commentary from your heart! There are many commonalities to the process of building our light bodies for sure, but one of the larger pit falls can be rigidly and aimlessly allowing our head to go on walking in one direction toward “how we think we are ascending and increasing in energy”, when we haven’t checked in with our heart walky talky which broadcasts that in fact we are moving closer away.
All journeys are the same and both different; everyone’s experience of growing in light and frequency is relative to them and can only be understood by them. Excuse the following generalisation to put a point across: A person who may feel totally grounded, exist on fast food and spend a lot of time watching sit coms and going to church may have a higher level of light vibrations than another individual who meditates daily, eats a raw food diet and attends spiritual groups! The light level is often related to our feeling of love and how open our heart is, my exaggeration in the previous example demonstrates that, whether we have a firm religious stance, or are a new age psychic with an interest in metaphysics, a healthy eater or an unhealthy eater and so forth, we realise we really are in the territory of swings and round abouts. Leaving judgements behind is a big piece of the puzzle to experiencing unconditional love and building our light body, however it grows for us!
May you enjoy your growing light field and step forward into knowing that all the decisions you make are right for you and are confirmed by your heart.
Hanna Ehlers of is a spiritual and metaphysical teacher and is passionate about assisting lightworkers. Information about current events facilitated by Hanna is featured below:
Sound Healing Workshop: Activating the Merkaba
Saturday 27th March 2 - 5pm Fees £35 (£15 non-refundable deposit required)
The Quaker House, 18 Dundonald Drive, Leigh SS9 1NB
This workshop is facilitated by Hanna Ehlers, a sound healer and channel. Her training was provided by Tom Kenyon, renowned Sound Healer and founder of Psycho-acoustic Brain Research during an intensive course in Seattle. Hanna's passion to re-awaken her own ability to heal with sound occurred after a memory of her home planet, far beyond the Gaia project and her Earth lives. She recalled how as etheric beings sound was used to sing to the auric field and realign any imbalances in the energetic frequency which was the essence of that being. Hanna has also had a huge passion for singing and sound making since her childhood and feels completely blessed to have now found what appears the main reason for her gift.
In this workshop we will focus on working with our light bodies, also known as the Mer-Ka-Ba. With sound healing performances and meditations from Hanna you will be led to opening your heart chakra and moving into a fourth dimensional awareness. In simple terms, you will be moving into places of joy and peace, letting go of any burdens you currently find yourself facing. There will be much over toning in this workshop which seeks to activate the pineal gland and also activate the third eye, bringing both sides of your brain into a merging.
You will be able to sit back and enjoy the journeys with which sound will take you and also join in with sharing your experiences with the group. This is a non-threatening workshop where you can be yourself and feel safe in the deep work we bring forward as a group!
We will have chance for breaks and refreshments meeting other like-minded souls!
This workshop is a powerful journey and if this is something you are drawn to it is likely your energy is required at the event.
Visiting Past Lives Workshop
Saturday 10th April 1.30 - 5.30 £45 (£15 deposit)
Quaker friends Meeting House, 18 Dundonald Drive, Leigh, Essex, SS9 1NB
In this four hour workshop we will explore the world and theories of past lives. A "past life" is a term we use from linear perspective to explain that our soul has lived before in past history in another body. In terms of a more multidimensional perspective, (which is where we are heading) these lives, past and future are actually operating simultaneously. In the workshop we will explore visiting other lives and sending healing to assist with the NOW. We will discuss our thoughts and feelings about our fears, phobias and loves which may have derived from another incarnation and the workshop will have an aim to go intensely into deeper trance states of awareness so we can gain access to unconscious material and our cellular memory. We will do this by darkening the room and using ceremony and sound.
You will be able to be involved in the following activities:
•Group meditation with ceremony welcoming in the sacred elements, to visit other soul selves / fragments
•Sound healing meditation, welcoming in our soul group family who assist us with healing the family and ancestral line
•Circle meditation to connect with our cellular memory to remember our soul journey on earth from our first incarnation
•Practicing past life meditation in pairs
•Time for breaks and refreshments
Please bring a packed lunch should you desire substantial feeding, as the work may likely make you hungry!
Creating or Sustaining A Successful Spiritual Business
Re-scheduled Saturday, 17th April 2010
12 - 4pm - £45 (£20 non- refundable deposit required)
Angel Therapy Room, Westcliff
This workshop is open to anyone with a desire to work for themselves in a complementary therapy or spiritual setting or those already working for themselves who want to learn tools to expand their work further. This session is a great boost to your confidence and gives you a firm ability to move powerfully forward with your business!
This four hour group session will demonstrate that to follow your outer purpose and find success and happiness in life, you already possess inside yourself everything you need, however using a mixture of a logical, left-brained approach and the right-brained rule of following the signs of your heart your can make your dreams a reality.
You will learn:
To uncover how to define your gifts and talents into a list of comprehensive services
To find a suitable job title or label to help explain what you do to others
To find all your strengths and unique selling points
About self employment and the energetic effects of your business
How to reach the audience you are seeking
How to bring in clients / more clients
How to use marketing and networking
How to create healthy work boundaries
The area of financing
Understanding manifestation
How to manage your sensitivity in the business world
Exploring pitfalls, do and don'ts and the archetype of the "giver"!
Get to meet other people in the same boat! ;)
The workshop includes meditation, spiritual guidance and self development exercises. There will be a short break with refreshments. Please bring a packed lunch.
Intensive Psychic and Healing Weekend Course
Saturday 24th April & Sunday 25th April 10 - 4.30pm both days
Fees £120 (£40 non-refundable deposit required)
The Angel Therapy Room, Westcliff on Sea
(For those who have already taken this course and have already qualified as "Psychic and Healing Practitioners" via LightworkersUnite, there is a 50% discount to attend and re-train on the course. Please note this only applies to a re-training on the same course!)
This course is open to both beginners and healers / psychics alike, it is an intensive journey taught from a high frequency perspective and encompasses a spiritual and logical look at the world and our developing abilities as the new earth global population! This course assists lightworkers with reaching higher!
At the end of the weekend workshop you will receive a certificate which recognizes you as a "Psychic Healing Practitioner" and you will be given the opportunity to have your practitioner listing on the website and will be able to join the community of other Psychic and Healing Practitioners on the forum!
You will explore the world of spirituality and learn to understand what we mean by the word psychic. Delving into the parts of us we can't necessarily see, you will learn about your connection to the universe and how divine energy can enrich and heal your life. Whether you just want to learn more about the spiritual world, practice with a view to setting up your own business or enrich what you already practice, this course caters for both aspects providing you with an array of tools.
Many topics will be discussed such as, past lives, energy management, auras, chakras and how illness forms, angels, guides, higher self, the ego, soul contracts, what or who is God or the divine, ET's, brainwaves and more.
Exercises include:
Understanding the chakra body mirror system
Aura reading
White light healing
Chakra psychic healing
Psychic surgery
Remote viewing via cord cutting, "vaccuming", understanding distant healing
Mediumship reading
Card reading
Past life meditation
Visualisation meditations
and more depending on group energies / my guidance
The course will involve guided meditations and exercises in pairs and as a group, incorporating giving readings, healings and working on personal development.There are opportunities to continue working on the skills you have learned after the weekend workshop, with students that have already completed the course.
Some snacks and refreshments will be provided for a short lunch break but please bring a packed lunch
Angel Mentor Training Course
Saturday 29th May 10 - 6pm with certificate Fees £75 (£25 non-refundable deposit required)
The Quaker House, 18 Dundonald Drive, Leigh SS9 1NB
A New One day Course for 2010! The Angel Mentor Training is suitable for people who desire skills and education about how to offer angel wisdom and guidance as part of a business or career path and assisting others with healing and so on or alternatively it can be used to enrich one’s own healing purposes.
This day's course is intensive with lots of opportunity to practice and provides you with an understanding about how to become an Angel Mentor to guide others! The course ends with an Angel Mentor certificate and the individual is then able to be listed on the LightworkersUnite website as an Angel Mentor, should you so wish. You will receive a combination of both learning deeply about angels yourself and demonstrations on how to teach and guide others with this information.
The course is facilitated by Hanna Ehlers ATP MNFSH, who is a certified Angel Therapist, trained by Doreen Virtue on the island of Kona, Hawaii. Hanna uses both the skills learned via her Angel Therapist training and her own understanding and work with angels to bring forward a high frequency approach to angel work. Angels are not all fluffy and sweet, they are massively powerfully evolved beings of light, who are currently assisting us greatly with the earth changes and Archangel Raziel and Micheal are assisting me with bringing though their most crucial and timely messages, which suggests we must not pigeon-hole their presence and ability to assist, but that we can bring in more room for people now to ask for their help!
The following exercises and activities will be part of the course, along with more additions as needed at the time:
In depth Information about angels and archangels, how they work with us, how they assist us, who are the archangels, how to we communicate, understanding their energies and abilities etc
Angel Healing including cord cutting, vaccuming, chakra work, visualisation with angels work etc
Angel guidance, including angel card readings and other readings
Angel Sound Healing Channeled meditation.
Work will be done in a small group and in pairs. Refreshments will be provided throughout the day a packed lunch will be needed for the lunch break.
If you wish to find out more about any courses or to book please contact Hanna: 07703022129 or email
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